The coordinates

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The coordinates

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Production year

9:16 min

Rating: (4)


Lisi a 10year old boy, talented in math, his teacher chooses him to represent the school in municipality level in the math competition..he shows his parents care in a coordinative system..drawing it in stages from 1 to 10 year old..his parents enter the room and see the drawing and a letter that Lisi wrote to them, Lisi's parents were more concerned about their issues and being together than Lisi's feelings.

Director's statement

Save your family!

Director's short bio

Arbresha A. Rubovci born on 30/11/1990 in Vasilev-Gllogoc. Since age of 12 she participated in humanitarian activities. Studied Film Director at University of Prishtina ..During her studies she made 6 short movies where she was a director and a producent. The thematics of her movies usually are familiar drama..During her time of studies she had the opportunity to work as and director assistant on some tv shows,and now she's working on a local serial as an director assistant.

Film Participations Awards

1.Balkan Food and Film Festival

Cast & Team

Technical Specs

Color: Color
Sound Format: Stereo


Critiques and comments

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